This is our Missionary journal of what we did on a week to week basis. Some things are spiritual but most are just plain fun. We are on a Mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints and we love sharing the gospel with those we meet in our journey here in Germany.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
17 Aug 2011- Missionary Zone Conference
I love our Zone Conferences because we can get together with all the other missionaries. They are such a warm friendly group and it is wonderful when everyone has the same goals concerning our mission. This one was especially interesting, because they had 6 missionary couples tell us in detail what their assignments were like. Even though we work with the other missionaries, we do not always know what their jobs are like. I think it is good to know, because every assignment is different, and you may want to go on that kind of mission some day.
Brother Teixeira our presiding 70 gave our first talk. He always seems to know what our district needs to hear about. We missed his sweet wife this time, she had other commitments. His talk was on "Feeling Needed and Appreciated in Our Assignments". We are not always thanked for the things that we do each day but the Lord is aware of our service and he recognizes our hard work. He will some day say to us, "Well done thou good and faithful servant." He likened our service to a boomerang, if it is given in the right manner it will always come back to us.
While we are giving service we should always behave well, treat our companions, friends and people we meet with respect. We should remember what a good son Christ was to his father. He was obedient, faithful, and kept himself free from the sins of the world. What better gifts can we give to our Father in Heaven than to be faithful and endure to the end.
Entitlement is a term given to those people who feel by their good works they are entitled to something, or some status in the world. Those who are good and faithful do not seek to be entitled. He quoted the parable of the talents. When the Lord gives us traits that should be shared with others and we do not use them, in essence, hide them from one another, we will lose that aptitude to perform those needed services. We will no longer desire to be of help. It is a fact, that the more a person gives service to others the more they desire to give service. It makes us happy. Bro. Teixeira said that this parable is all about leadership. The parables are responsibilities that the Lord gives us. After this life is over, we must give an account of our responsibilities and what we have done with them. He is interested in the quality of our service. whether he called you as a general authority or a Sunday School teacher, he will want an accounting of what you did in that calling. Did you give it all your all? We will have bad days with challenges and good days with successes while we are on our missions. He asks us to find joy in the midst of our tribulations and this can only be done through service to others.
Elder & Sister McBride talked on their Area Auditing position. They said is was like a job. The area could not operate with out this department. It is a complex area of the world so in order to have spiritual experiences we need to find them for ourselves. President Kimball said it was vital for us to serve each other everyday. Sometimes it is just encouragement that brings out spirituality. He quoted Bro Ballard who said that we should discern the needs of others and give assistance. He related the following story.
During the gold rush days a young man decided to leave Utah for California to make his millions like so many other men had done. He worked long hard hours and at the end of the day only had a few grains of gold for his efforts. After months of trying, he asked an old man that seemed to have lots of gold in his pouch. He complained that he was not as lucky as the old man had been and wanted to know how he found all his gold. The old man said, it just takes perserverance and little by little you will be rich. The young man showed him his measly pieces of gold dust and said, but look at how much you have got. The old man opened his bad and instead of nuggets the young man saw only a huge amount of gold dust. The moral of the story was that it doesn't matter how small the reward each day it is end result that counts.
It is their job to train the 421 wards and branches which are in Europe. They must teach the auditors from each area that the funds which consists of tithes, offerings and other general funds must be handled with care, because they are sacred funds and should never be used inappropriately. He said it is sad when you hear that someone intrusted with the funds in a ward had forgotten how sacred these funds are and misappropriated the funds for themselves. This leads to excommunication which affects the members life as well as their wife and children. That is why it is so important to train them and keep track of how they are doing. Checking up from time to time.
They told of an experience that they had when they visited an area in Uganda. They normally have a few packs of gum in their pockets and when they arrived they saw a group of children. Each one was presented a stick of gum. While walking through the streets the children from all over began to follow them wanting a stick of gum. After giving the last one out, we told them they had no more. The last stick was given to a small boy who gave it back asking that they open it and let all the remaining children share a lick. Which they did until it was gone. They said there are times that Spiritual experiences happen in their assignment, as they meet with people in the communities.
Bro & Sis Asplund who are in charge of the Center for Young Adults talked about serving their first mission in India where they worked with the CES program. Now they are in charge of the Young Adults, almost the same. In 2003 Elder L.Tom Perry was concerned with the young people of the church. He wanted a program that would strengthen the young adults in Europe. He had a dream and from that evolved the YSA program for those 18-30 years old. He wanted it to be a place of refuge, a place to find eternal mates. He wanted them to learn how to be more missionary minded. He wanted the members to go into their homes and seek them out. Today there are 143 centers throughout Europe. 30-40 new ones in place to start soon. England alone has 95 centers. Each center is overseen by a missionary couple today. Their job is to train those Missionary couples, keep track of their successes and help them with their failures.
There is a need for 101 missionary couples on a rotating basis. It is critical. They quoted Alma 31 which talks about having just a small testimony at first but as we nourish it daily it will grow into a strong testimony. That is what they are hoping these centers will be able to do with the Young Adults. Working with them to develop strong testimonies and eventually produce strong families throughout the church.
Brother and Sister Boone who are the In Field Representatives spoke about the church needing every position to help further the work of the Lord. Each assignment is important to the Lord. He said that as of today there are 340 missions with 3,459 missionaries within Europe that he is personally responsible for. He says he is involved with so many things that could happen within the church and he would be needed to take care of those problems.
What if the President of the church were kidnapped and held for a ransom? What do you think the Prophet said to that question? He said, "Don't you use any of the tithing funds to bargain for my release. If I am killed, the Lord will raise up another to replace me." He takes care of problems with missionaries all over Europe. If the Mission President is not sure what to do when he has problems, he will call Bro. Boone. He told us a lot of other things but I feel they were too sensitive to discuss. He definitely has a big job to fill. He served as the MTC President at one time so I know he has the experience for his job.
We were privileged to hear a duet from Bro and Sis Jarrett, one of our newest couples. They sang "I feel God's Love". Both of them had beautiful voices and it added so much spirit to our meeting.
Next speakers were Elder and Sister Peterson who work in the Public Affairs Department. Started their talk quoting from D&C 1:30 This talks about ways that the Lord will help the church to go forward in every way needed" There job is to train people who are to be spokesmen for the church in Europe. They help to build strategies in relationships with the opinion leaders who can effect the church. When the Rome church was in its planning stages, they were required to have 30,000 signatures on a petition in order to begin. They tried and tried but they could not get the needed numbers of names. After Bro Causeau, the 70 here in Europe met with the Cardinal of the Vatican, the names were obtained. It just so happens that they were both class mates in school together. It is so amazing how things fall into place when the Lord needs something to happen to push the work forward. If we are prepared the Lord will perform the miracle.
He said that Donny Osmond was recently in concert in the Netherlands where his son is on a mission. He drew a huge crowd which opened alot of interest in the church. Just something else he has been involved in. They oversee Service projects. The were personally involved in the Finland disaster. The incident that involved the burning of the Finland chapel is written in a book intitled, "Out of the Ashes." You should read this one. It is about a group of boys who deliberately burned down the chapel. It is their journey with the ward and going to court expecting a huge fine and jail time, but they got neither. You will have to read the book to find out the ending. Very moving.
Elder and Sister Paxton spoke about their assignment in Seminary and Institutes. Basically they are the same as the Asplunds, except that Sister Paxton personally oversees the Finances in Europe. They were personally asked by the church to come to Germany and help the Deaprtment with their finances. They had just retired so it was a surprise.
The last talk was given by the Leonards who oversee the Humanitarian Efforts here in Europe. Their main focuses have been in Cape Verde, Slovakia and Croatia. Cape Verde has been involved in getting clean water piped in to that community. 550 people are now able to obtain that much needed clean water. In Slovakia a wheel chair project was under way. People that before could not leave their homes are now able to take care of themselves. One of the boys said he didn't get a wheel chair, he got a jet plane. They really appreciated those wheel chairs and walkers. One sister was now able to push her grown son around instead of carry him on her back. Croatia was blessed with gas stoves, clean bedding for hospitals and clean wells that were left unworkable by the war. The church works through other agencies such as the Catholic church. The church has sure been a blessing to many throughout Europe. We are all brothers and sisters no matter who or where they live. Treat others the way Christ treats us.
Then we had a break for lunch. I was in charge of the dinner this month. It was catered by a Mexican Restaurant near the Area Office called "Mexicanos". I think it all went over very well. Elder Walters and I found a blumen field and picked 20 sunflowers to put on each table. It all came together and I was so thankful for the Lords help, as well as the help of the women in our mission and my good husband who always helps me when I have an assignment. After dinner we had a few get together games and then testimonies from several new couples. I think half of our mission went home this last month so we have at least 20 new missionaries now. They are a lively group and I am sure we will have alot of fun together.
Another plug for Senior missionaries. Start planning now to go on your mission, the Lord will bless you and your families if you go. Miss and love everyone in our Vista 8th Ward.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
01-03 Aug 2011 YSA in Blaubueren - Neuenstein - Owen
You guessed it, one more time to Blaubueren for a Young Single Adult Conference. We were here for 2 days. I can still smell the aroma of homemade waffels, made by the Young Adult Center Missionaries. Here in Europe, the Center for Young Adults/Institute directors positions are assigned to couple missionaries from around Europe and especially from the US. In the Frankfurt Mission alone, we have 4 couples assigned in different areas. They spend about 4 days a week with the young adults not counting Sundays. They attend their regular wards on Sunday but on the weekdays they have Family Home Evenings, Special activites together, game nights and waffel nights. They really love those waffels. I think that calling requires a lot of cooking. It really does keep all of them more active in the church during that critical period in their lives.
This is where most of them come to try and find a Eternal mate and alot of them do. If they haven't gotten married by the time they are 30, they come back to YSA the next year as a counselor. We are working with one of the secretaries in our office who met her husband this way. They come from all over Europe. They said there was 12 countries represented and 480 Young adults there that week.
We left at 1600 hours on the second day and started for home. We ran into another cute town called Neuenstein. It had a small castle and a church. We just took pictures as it had already closed. Beautifully laid out town. After traveling on Gene spotted another castle on top of a high hill. He was persistent and found the road leading up to it. It was in the town of Owen and the castle was called the Tech Castle, because of the rock formations in this area. We drove as far up to it as we possibly could but they do not allow cars up there. The only way is to hike, which was not my cup of tea and it was raining buckets. We saw a group of men coming down with their walking sticks. It looked like a group of friends that walked everyday. Kim would love this place as it has beautiful views from the top. I took a few pictures of that also.
Home to rest. I think this is the last assignment for a while. We have been discussing visiting alot of the FHC here. We are looking forward to that. We are also looking forward to resting a little while. I didn't think I would ever say that, but the Lord does sustain us in our work.
You guessed it, one more time to Blaubueren for a Young Single Adult Conference. We were here for 2 days. I can still smell the aroma of homemade waffels, made by the Young Adult Center Missionaries. Here in Europe, the Center for Young Adults/Institute directors positions are assigned to couple missionaries from around Europe and especially from the US. In the Frankfurt Mission alone, we have 4 couples assigned in different areas. They spend about 4 days a week with the young adults not counting Sundays. They attend their regular wards on Sunday but on the weekdays they have Family Home Evenings, Special activites together, game nights and waffel nights. They really love those waffels. I think that calling requires a lot of cooking. It really does keep all of them more active in the church during that critical period in their lives.
This is where most of them come to try and find a Eternal mate and alot of them do. If they haven't gotten married by the time they are 30, they come back to YSA the next year as a counselor. We are working with one of the secretaries in our office who met her husband this way. They come from all over Europe. They said there was 12 countries represented and 480 Young adults there that week.
We left at 1600 hours on the second day and started for home. We ran into another cute town called Neuenstein. It had a small castle and a church. We just took pictures as it had already closed. Beautifully laid out town. After traveling on Gene spotted another castle on top of a high hill. He was persistent and found the road leading up to it. It was in the town of Owen and the castle was called the Tech Castle, because of the rock formations in this area. We drove as far up to it as we possibly could but they do not allow cars up there. The only way is to hike, which was not my cup of tea and it was raining buckets. We saw a group of men coming down with their walking sticks. It looked like a group of friends that walked everyday. Kim would love this place as it has beautiful views from the top. I took a few pictures of that also.
Home to rest. I think this is the last assignment for a while. We have been discussing visiting alot of the FHC here. We are looking forward to that. We are also looking forward to resting a little while. I didn't think I would ever say that, but the Lord does sustain us in our work.