I guess everyone has heard of Elders being transferred, but guess what? couples do to. Brother Wirthlin ,who is the son of the late Apostle Joseph B. Wirthlin , and is over all of the Physical facilities in Europe, called us in to his office and told us he had been praying for someone with our capabilities to help him in there huge warehouse that the church owns in Bad Homburg. It is not to far from Frankfurt so we will either stay here and commute or get an apartment in Bad Hamburg. Bro. Wirthlin and his wife are going to take us to the Warehouse on Tuesday to show us the many facets of this job. He said one of the duties is to keep track of all genealogical microfilms going in and out of Europe. Gene will be helping out in the shipping department. Then they have the office work that I will be helping to do. They have paid employees that work there but they would like a couple there also. After Tuesday, I'll give you more details.
This came at the best time for us as Gene was having a hard time staying up with the Elders. I think his body is finally showing his age. 72 is a little old to be doing hard manual labor 10 hours a day. I am going to miss the office and the sisters I worked with, but I will love being around those microfilms. I hope they have a microfilm machine that I can view the films during my day off or on my lunch hour.
Sorry I don't have a lot of pictures for you today, all we did was walk home from our appointment with Bro, Wirthlin. On the way home we saw a few buildings I never photographed, a marionette playing a violin, a few flowers and pictures from our Sister's get together. All Elders are excluded.
We are taking the cruise up the Rhein River with the Senior couples. We will be touring the St Boar castle. I've got my walking shoes on and we are ready to go. Today Gene and I went into town and found a place to get his hair cut. They were all German speaking so we looked up a few words to let them know he wanted it really short around the ears. It is short to be sure, but they forgot to take some off on the top, so he looks a little like Stan Laurel, you know of Laurel and Hardy? I guess that really dates me. I know they were in the 30's and I'm not quite that old, but they did run their series in the 40's and early 50's. They have a restaurant here that has statues of both of them but they are called Dick and Doff. We will eat there soon. Looks like a really fun place. So now you know how old I am. Anyway, I did get in a few pictures, I saw two Jewish students in the u-bahn and a few beautiful flowers and of course the old stand by buildings. So enjoy.
The weather here changes daily. It was really warm and humid a few days ago but a really strong wind came in and the thunder and lightening bolted every where. The rain just poured down. Gene and I loved it. I wish we would get more rain in Vista like that. Because we are at the same latitude as British Columbia we are closer to the Arctic Circle we have sun from 6:00 am until 10:00 at night. They say some time this month it will stay light until 11:00 PM.
We are excited about the new jobs. I guess the Lord really does look out for us. Hope all is well on the home front.
I wish you the best with your new calling. It gets you back to what you love and that is genealogy. Maybe you'll come across some Stange's. And, just to let you know, Laurel and Hardy was one of my favorite shows growing up. Na, viel Spass...
Richard, you're not making fun of us old people are you? Well, we are retired and you're not, so there. If I get a chance to look at some records I will sure look for the Stange's