This is our Missionary journal of what we did on a week to week basis. Some things are spiritual but most are just plain fun. We are on a Mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints and we love sharing the gospel with those we meet in our journey here in Germany.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
28 Juli 2010 Spiritual thought and fashion pics
As I said before on my blog, every day we have a spiritual thought before we start work. I don't always remember them but a few stand out in my mind. Here is the thought given today at work. Basically, it was on becoming more Christlike. The story was told about a woman who had heard the lesson in church about how we must go through the refiner's fire in order to be more Christ like. It is found in Isaiah 48:10. After hearing it, she decided she wanted to know why Christ used that analogy and what the process really was. She went to the nearest steel mill where she went in and observed the process of the refiners fire to make it a pure product. She saw the steel burning bright in the fire and she asked, "How do you know when it is the right time to take it out, before it becomes deformed and unusable?" The worker said, "When you can see your reflection in the glow of the iron." The lady pondered this in her mind and immediately knew what Christ had meant. When you see yourself in Christ's reflection you have become refined enough to live with him again. In I Nephi 20:10 and Zachariah 13:9 it says we must all go through the refiners fire. Our life is a continuing refining process. Every experience we have helps us become more Christ like even though they are hard lessons to learn. We learn by our mistakes or we will have to stay in that refiner's fire until we do, the choice is ours. We can learn those lessons early on or drag them out our entire lives, until we feel comfortable in God's presence. The scriptures give us much comfort, to know that God does not leave us alone in our struggles in life. He wants us to be perfect like him, he knows it will take us longer than this life to become perfect ,but he has given us a way to do that, THE PLAN OF SALVATION. I hope everyone is reading their scriptures. It helps give us our directions in life.
Now on a more somber note. I took some pictures at the museum in Marburg that I knew Rachel or anyone else interested in fashion would be interested it. I also took a few pictures of fashions of today in the windows in Mainz while we were looking around the shops, so enjoy a little fashion today. (By the way I think this shop had clothes made entirely of natural fibers, I love that concept.)
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