We no sooner got home from our assignment in Dresden, than Brother Walker called us in to discuss our next assignment. To transfer 12 computers to a Family History Expo given in Torino, Italy. We left on June 2nd, because it was a holiday in Germany and we used that free time to visit the towns we would be going through. The first stop we made was in Zurich, Switzerland. We were pulled over at the border and given a year long 40.00 eu pass to travel in Switzerland. This pass was to pay for all the tunnels you have to go through to get to Italy. Zurich is the largest city with almost 400,000 people. The story about William Tell shooting an apple off of the head of his son started here. They speak at least 4 different languages. French in the Western part, German in the northern and Eastern parts, Italian in the Southern part and a native tribal tongue.
This is an amazing town with Lake Zurich in the North and the High Alps to the South. It was founded by the Romans in 15 BC and called Turicum. It was the center of Protestant Reforms and in 1519 it became the home of the largest financial institution. Zurich has the best quality of life charging their citizens hardly any taxes. That is because it is the wealthiest city in Europe. The National food is Zurcher Geschndzeltes which is a dish with veal and muschrooms.
Milan was the second city we were able to stop and see. It is known for its elaborate Cathedral, that houses "The Last Supper," by Leonardo Divinci. It has a waiting list for over 2 months in order to get tickets, so it wasn't in the books for us. It is also the home of the famous "La Scala" Opera House. Known for having a creative streak about it, Milan is the Fashion Designers Dream. Labels like Armani, Versace, Prada, Dolce & Gabbban, Pucci and Gucci all show their clothes on the runways of Milan. I hear that they have a discount store outlet where they sell samples, seconds and cast offs from last season. I'm sure my girls would love to peruse this town.
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