Got up early today and we headed out to visit two family history libraries, Rheinpfals and Mannheim. We met the director of the Rheinpfals Center, Sister Doris Karp, who took us to two rooms that were filled with readers. Two seemed to be rather old and she said that they had been donated by the City Library. The other three are also old and in need of repair. We talked for a while about the needs of the Library. There is a great need for more computers. We asked about the attendance and she replied that about 20 people use the center and 19 of those are non LDS. It amazes me how dedicated the non members are. I believe the reason behind this is that LDS members have access to European records through on line information. The only reason for going to the FHC would be to view microfilm records. They are open 3-4 hours a day, 4 days a week. The more it is open, the more people will be able to attend. Getting attendance up is a huge goal here.
The LDS members have been commanded to do their genealogy, and more is expected from us, but the non LDS are contributing so much to helping us achieve those expectations. We find that in visiting these centers some are getting more support from the organizations in the church than others. Being invited to Ward Council meetings and giving Genealogy class training really helps the work grow. We were excited to find out that the Missionaries in this Ward are bringing investigators to see the library and get them involved in doing Genealogy. That is what we love to hear. Now that the Missionaries are being trained how to do this work while they are in the MTC, they will be of great help to this most important work for the Salvation of the Dead. We took pictures of the center and then departed for Mannheim.
Upon coming into the center of town we saw a beautiful park that we just had to stop and take pictures of. Mannheim was also a very busy FH center. We found all the equipment neatly put away and looked up. They also had a fairly nice size collection of books that had been donated by families from that area. Sister Ute Zepp was the director and her assistant was Sister Palmer. They were both very enthusiastic and excited that we were there. The Center takes up two big rooms. The average attendance here is about 25 people mostly non members. Sister Zepp was gracious enough to share with us personal experiences that she has had in doing her family research. Her family is from the Baden Wuertenburg area, The same as the Walter's family. We were getting ideas from her as to where Gene's family could have come from and right out of her mouth, without hesitation, came the answer. "The Walter's all came from Karlsruhe". I felt the spirit whisper to me, she is right. Sister Zepp said she has a collection of books that are full of information on her family. She says before she starts her research, she has a prayer and the spirit immediately tells her which book she should look at. Very interesting. I have been asked by the Family History Department to compile all the spiritual experiences that happen to people in Europe.
After taking pictures, Bob and Judy Palmer invited us to go to dinner. It was definitely German food. Gene and I shared a fish dish with the head still on. It was good to be sure., covered with very small crabs. On the side they served a salad and warm potato salad. We had a wonderful conversation with them. They are service oriented people. They told us about the project they were involved in right after the war. They gathered clothes, food, toys and candy as well as farm equipment to take to the people in East Germany . She said it was really difficult to get those things over the border. So now we can add one more couple to our list of good friends in Germany.
After this weekend I am permanately laid up with a ruptured Achilles Tendon problem. Our elevator is being repaired and will be out of commission for 4 weeks. We live on the 5th floor which amounts to 70 big steps. Double that for me, since I do two baby steps for each one. Need to see a doctor but I know I will need an operation to repair it, so my answer is LATER. We want to say hi to all our friends in Vista and we want to see some pictures of the October Fest and we want to know who the winner of the root bear contest was. Sorry we had to miss that, but we will be there next year in full costume. Have a good week.
Did you see the Steam Roller?
ReplyDeleteWhere was it? Did not know about that but I did know there is a group with that name, is that one and the same?