Elder Bednar was in Kaiserslautern for a fireside with families. It wasn't your usual fireside where you get a talk, he was actually there to answer everyones questions from young and old alike. He is a very personable person and was well received by the Youth there. As the Missionaries were not invited because of space, I was given notes that were taken by a German member. Hope you enjoy the fireside. As I read through the transcript I really felt the spirit so I hope you will too.
#1 (asked by a 7 year old boy) "What can I do to prepare for my baptism"?
Elder Bednar: When I was a Bishop, I invited all the parents of the 7 yr olds to my office and asked them how they could help me prepare their children for Baptism? One of the mother's who was very outspoken in the Community said, "We still have a year before he is baptized but we have already prepared him". She is right, It is the responsibility of the parents to teach their children to understand the Plan of Salvation and the role that Baptism has in that plan. This is only possible through the power of the Holy Ghost. If the home is a place where the Holy Ghost can stay, the children will be receptive and learn.
#2 (asked by an adult male) When I was a missionary you spoke to us and asked us how we could be better missionaries? Because of that I now know how to be a better husband and father.
Elder Benar said: The relationship with the spouse comes first, without being a good husband you can not be a good father. You have to have another person in your relationship with you and your wife and that is Christ at the head. Anyone can work on his own salvation, but together the husband and wife come near to Christ. Approach each problem as a challenge and with the Lord's help you will solve it. Use your Priesthood to bless others and learn to be selfless. The Priesthood is leadership, full of good and love unfeigned. To answer the question " how do you make a good husband?" I am going to ask my wife to take the microphone.
Sister Bednar: A good husband uses his Priesthood spontaneously, even when it is on his birthday. He needs to help the family during Family Home Evening and during Family Prayer. If I respect the Priesthood that he holds, he will respect me as a woman. We also have a lot more joy in our family. Always have an atmosphere where you can and bless your wife and children.
#3 (Question from a 12 year old boy) What was your best missionary experience and how can I best prepare for my mission?
Elder Benar: Right now you are a missionary. You have 6 more years of experience before you become the best missionary. The most important preparation is to live now as a missionary. You can pray and study the scriptures everyday. The Holy Ghost will give you support and guide you when you think of him always. For me, the most important experience happened yesterday in a meeting. I could tell you how I talked about the Restoration of the Gospel and Testify to you, but being with the missionaries is the best, because it reminds me that being an Apostle means being a Missionary. Missionary work is a bond between missionaries. I could feel that bond.
#4 (Question from a mother of a 5 yr old daughter) How can I protect my daughter from the negative influences of the world?
Elder Bednar asked Sister Weidmann to answer this question: I have 4 grown daughters. The gospel is a very big help in every situation. For me it is important to share the Gospel with my daughters. One of our daughters said to us in the Temple before going on her mission. "I have been here for so many years and I am going to miss everyone but because of your love for me I would not ever want to dissappoint you. Now I am on a mission to gain the opportunity to witness on my own.? You should love your children, even if they do not make right decisions. One Sunday our family had a very bad dispute. One of my daughters ran into her room and slammed the door. We were just getting ready to leave for church and I felt very strongly that I should stay home. , so my husband went to church with the other girls. I went into my bedroom, got on my knees and began to pray. My daughter came into my room and asked me why I was not at church? I told her because I loved her and I thought it would be better to stay with her. This was followed by two very spiritual hours for the both of us. We have the right to be led by the Holy Ghost. Do you have time for your children? Take time for them. Pray with them, listen to them and you will be guided by the spirit.
Sister Bednar: We always had a lot of guests in our home. I asked everyone that came to visit this question, "How can I better prepare our sons for their lives". One of the 12 Apostles was with us and I asked him that question. The reply was that it is important to find out who they really are. You should keep the song, "I am A Child Of God" forever in your heart. You must learn to understand the scriptures through the Holy Ghost.
Elder Bednar: Sometimes we talk too much to our children instead of teaching more by example. If you are doing Heavenly Fathers will, you will know that it is the Doctrine of God. Invite your children to learn. Ask them questions, don't be afraid to answer them. Look up answers in the scriptures. Invite them to act on them. He read Matt 21:16 where Jesus said have you not heard what these children say? "Out of the mouth of children and infants will come perfect praise of him." If you live the gospel you will know it is from God. If this teaching of Christ gets into your children's hearts, they will be protected.
#5 (question from a young girl) Did you come here with your family?
Elder Bednar: When I am traveling I often visit members of the church who have long stopped going to church. I tell them that we love them, that we need them and they need the Gospel in their lives.
#6 (Question from a young boy) Do you love American or German Football (Soccer for the Germans)better? and how important is the Scouting Program?
Elder Bednar: I always love the game of football whatever country I am in. The Scouting Program is an opportunity for young people to get together and learn how to be a servant of God.
#7 (question from an adult) What is the most important lesson you have learned as an Apostle?
Elder Bednar: A week before my appointment as an Apostle I received a call from President Packer who asked me to go to my next Stake Conference. I called my Stake President and asked if he knew why I was being asked to be at the Conference and he said that "The Lord only gives his keys to his Apostles, but he did not know the answer to my question. The next day the Stake President told about his brother who had been a member for 5 years but had a problem with the word of wisdom. I invited his brother to the Conference and laid my hand on his shoulder and said, " The Savior has sent me to you to tell you that you should be aware that you can obey the Word of Wisdom, I promise you that the Lord will be with you" Then he told this man that he wanted him to keep him up on his progress by writing him letters about how he is doing and that he would see him at the next conference. As one of the 12 Apostles I have come here to serve you. Everywhere I go, I look out for that one person who needs help. Perhaps me asking you to give questions to answer will help someone out there. The most important thing to remember is that the Lord knows every detail of a person's life. Sometimes the Lord sends one of his 12 Apostles to save only him or her. Remember, when Christ appeared on the American continent after his resurrection, he asked each person to come and feel the nail prints in his hands and feet. This story teaches us that he reaches out to each of us individually.
#8 (question by an 11 year old boy) I will be getting the Aaronic Priesthood in Feb., how can I prepare for that?
Elder Weidmann: What is the Priesthood? It is the responsibility to act in the name of Jesus Christ. Learn more about him through scripture study. The Book of Mormon is another Testament of Jesus Christ. Pray about what you read, ask if it is true? When you become a member of a quorum, be obedient.
Elder Bednar: The Priesthood will help you become something. You don't have to do it on your own. When you pass the sacrament it is important that you feel the spirit when you hand it to the members. Try hard to do this, make sure you dress so as not to draw attention to yourself. Don't do anything that will keep you from feeling the spirit. If you try you will serve more like Jesus serves. Think prayerfully and write down your goals in life. He will inspire you and tell you what you should do. No one has actually said what you must do. The answer is that you must follow the Doctrines and principles. There is no particular steps to follow, they are individual to you. Joseph Smith has said, "I teach correct principles and they govern themselves." The most important thing is to know who you are and that you are a child of God. The Nations of tomorrow may be different from family to family but if you understand the principles, your deeds will follow. Ask yourself the question. "What lesson and principle do I want to understand in order for me to figure out a particular problem. Then insert the appropriate question. For example.... How can I deal with having time for my children and still search the scriptures?" We have taught you the principles and teachings here tonight so you should be able to govern yourselves. You have the gift of the Holy Ghost, you have the promises of the Lord.
It is my hearts desire to spend more time with you. I love you and am so thankful for your service. I am thankful for the all the questions you have provided. My Apostolic testimony is to bear witness and give you a blessing. If you are honestly seeking to believe, "Knock and ask and you will always find the answer in the teachings of the Gospel" The Lord will give you light and direction in the world that is dark and confusing. I ask this blessing upon you in the Holy name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
A I was reading over all that he said I wish I could go back and redo the way I taught my children the gospel. I wish I had been more of an example to them. I must admit however that all of my children have become wonderful, sensitive adults, very loving and forgiving.
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