Sunday, August 22, 2010

21 Aug 2010 Aschaffenburg Schloss

Today was the Senior outing which happens once a month. We went to Aschaffenburg to see the Schloss (castle). We took Bro & Sis Halliday with us in our car, we had so much fun talking about our missions. Aschaffenburg is about 50 KM from Bad Vilbel. There was some really beautiful scenery of meadows, farms and forests. As we approached the Schloss, I was awe struck at the work that was done on the door to the Castle. As we went into the inner court I viewed the door from the inside. That was truly a work of art.

This castle was originally constructed as a fortress in the 1200's and the only visible part still left is the keep, the tall thin building. The painter Veit Hirsvogel the Younger is the only person to do a pen and ink of how it looked at that time. We took a tour of the inside of the castle. The Princely apartments as they are called were beautiful. I call them the blue, green yellow and red rooms. The other floors were of antiques. Take a look at all the treasures there. They were saved from the bombing by putting them underground. We did more but I will put it on the next blog.

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