Saturday, December 11, 2010

04 Dec 2010 Trip with Arial to Frankfurt

Today was a special day for us because we were able to take Arial, our investigator, to the Frankfurt Christmas Market. She lives with Rebecca the women who's house we are fixing. She is from San Diego, CA but she is an ampere here for 6 months. She is our adopted daughter while we are here. Such a wonderful girl but alas she has no transportation and no friends to go any where with. We picked her up and took her to Frankfurt so she could see a little of Germany while she is here. She graduated from a college in Italy majoring in History. She has the wanderlust and wants to visit every country so this is her way of doing it, taking jobs as an ampere for 6 months each time. It was the first day for a big snow and it was very cold but we stopped and had a Kinderpunch and a Indian fry bread with puderzuker and zimt (powder sugar and cinnamon) very tasty. We walked around until we were frozen but I'm sure she had a great time. The missionaries are working with her and she said she would like to go to the young adult Christmas dinner and activity. Maybe she'll find some girlfriends to go places with while she is here. Well enjoy the pictures. It is so much fun to be here during the Christmas season.

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