Wednesday, December 7, 2011

3 Dec 2011 Working on the Service House

Today was a day of service. Remember the house we were working on every weekend? Since we have changed jobs and have been busy every weekend with Family History we had to transfer that obligation back to the Stake President, but we have missed seeing the family and helping on the house so we took the invitation to come and help today. Brother and Sister Fahl brought their little family and they were hanging wall paper. Another brother from the church was plastering and putting in a window in the bathroom. It was wonderful to see people helping this sister and her 4 young boys. You will be glad to know they have heat in every room now and wall board put up in three of the upstairs rooms as well as the starting of a new bathroom.

I took some pictures of the group and the rooms as well as some out of a bedroom window. The area where the house is can not be duplicated. It is so 1600ish, love it. I think what is really going to be a big job now is the refinishing of the floors and putting in the bathroom. I can't wait to see it when it is finished. I just hope we will still be here. Our date to come home is March 12 so that won't be long. As usual the Sister made us a great lunch more like a dinner to us in the US. You know the Germans eat there big dinner at lunchtime, thus we ate a large meal of curried rice with meat and vegetables with a kind of Greek salad. She always has dark German bread to eat and something from the bakery across the street for dessert with some tea. I am thinking of something to buy her boys this Christmas, any ideas?

We had a wonderful day, hope you enjoy the pictures.

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