Monday, January 2, 2012

22 Dec 2011 Winter in Friedrichsdorf


We woke up to snow this morning, had to take pictures before it melted. A day off from work and plans to go to the new second hand shop"Gaudi & Gala in Freigericht-Neuses it is for German clothing exclusively. We stopped by first to see how Sister Rosendahl's house is progressing. The walls have all been stuccoed and wall papered and the floors are sanded ready for a coat of varnish. It is beautiful wood underneath and she is getting excited to move the boys into their rooms upstairs. The only project left to do now is put in a skylight window in the bathroom and completely replace that room. She seems so happy. She is planning a Christmas party for everyone that has helped on her house.

Off to the Second hand store. I have included some of the Durndle's I found. They have new and used clothing so I am excited. I found a wool dress and a blouse as well as a durndel for Amanda and a hat for Mazz. Sorry, they will be late for Christmas girls. Elder Walters was so good to wait while I shopped. I will have to tell my sisters in the Gospel all about this place, they are always looking for a bargain.

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