Monday, November 15, 2010

7 Nov 2010- Dinner In Friedricksdorf with the Sisters

talking with the sisters after dinner

All decorated for Halloween

I almost forgot to include our wonderful dinner in Friedrickdorf with the single sisters. We were really surprised when they asked us. They live near the Temple and work there three days a week. That would be the best assignment I think, maybe later. We took Sister Windley over to Sister Udy and Sister Morell's apartment. I took some pictures so you could see their apartment. When I looked out of their window what a surprise I got. Their was a beautiful forest in their backyard with a pond and the most beautiful trees decked out in fall colors. We had some good conversation and the dinner was great. After dinner Bro. Walters volunteered to do the dishes which amazed the ladies. I had to say, "Well he does that every night for me." They laughed. Then they all sat around and told stories about their late husbands and how they came to be on their missions. All very interesting, but much to private to speak about on my blog. We went home full and happy. Oh yes, brother Walter's and I are now singing in the choir. We are practicing for the Christmas program. It's a big choir too, lots of men to sing. I really miss my choir back in Vista, good luck to all you choir members hope your program turns out as wonderful as ours will be. Stay tuned for more.

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