Friday, April 9, 2010

03.10.2010 Preparing tp Leave

These have been progressing around the Walters compound. Gene has finally finished what he wanted to do. It has always wanted to have a concrete driveway on the property and he was able to pour three sections with help from Josh and his friend Adam. Landscaping the property has been another priority. Trees and shrubs and flowers have been planted between the houses .
We have had plenty of rain this season and hope to have more which has been a great blesing to the plants around here.

On March 28th we had our farewell talks in Sacrament meeting. Gene spoke on Temples and I spoke on Family History work. Later that day we got together with the entire family. It was wonderful to see everyone there. We missed having Adam there as he is in Texas getting ready to go to Chili to help rebuilt bridges that were destroyed by the big earthquake.

The time is fast approaching that we will bid our family adieu and go to Germany to serve the Lord. Kim will be taking care of the property and Josh and Brad will be overseeing the Guest house. I really am going to miss this house but not as much as I am the family. I was just thinking. I will be missing Court's graduation from USC. Dawn and Sam being sealed in the Temple. Jake going on his Mission, Rachel's graduation from Woodbury,and a new great grandchild being born .

We leave for the MTC on Monday the 12th at 4:30 AM. I know this is going to be a busy day. We will be there for 2 weeks to study missionary lessons and to improve on our German. We can actually speak a little German now, thanks to our tutor Elder Meister. We hope to be working more with the German people and helping them learn about the gospel. I'll write more when we get to the MTC,

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