Thursday, June 3, 2010

Juni 3, 2010 Transfers at the Hauptbahnhof

Transfer Day for all missionaries going home and from one area to the other. Everyone met at the Hauptbahnhof (The main train station). Their were about 50 missionaries there at once so of course I had to take pictures. The Elder's with the hats are obviously going home. Everyone was hugging each other. It was our job to make sure they all got on the right train. Everyone had left but 4 elders so we stayed with them to make sure they didn't run off some place. Two of them asked if they could go get lunch as they were going to be on the train for 4 hours. We said yes, but they were late coming back and we had to run with their luggage to catch the train. Two of them barely got on. Heart attack city. It was wild and tiring but we got the job done.

Their was a testimony meeting for the ones leaving the mission and it was a tear jerker. Most of them bore their testimonies in German but a few did it in English. A Sister and an Elder had their parents fly in to pick them up. They were there too. I guess they will be touring Germany for a while. Sounds like fun to me. I think this was one of the most stressful days I have had, and by far the most exhausting. I went home and fell into bed. Check out all the beautiful people serving the Lord.


  1. Hi Gene and Nancy!

    Thank you so much for the cheese info you sent to me. It was so nice of you to think of me all the way back here in Oceanside.

    Your blog is wonderful. I love all the pics. I'm so glad you guys are having a great experience in Germany. They are blessed to have you there.

    We miss you guys!


  2. Pam, thanks, I didn't know I could comment on the comments until a couple of weeks ago, so I am going back to comment. Thank for looking at the blog. I know you must be busy with your own blog, which I love, I just wish I had time to cook, this is not a vacation here, but the blessings are tremendous. I hope you guys are planning to go when Dave retires. Love you guys.
