Sunday, May 8, 2011

03 May 2011 German Class at Kloppenheim Nursery

I do not think I told you, but Elder Walters and I are in a German class on Tuesday nights. I think we are doing better with our German. We have the best teacher, her name is Sister Erika Enger and she is so conscientious about her teaching. Always brings us a treat or something she has made like jam or a plant. It is her way of teaching us German in a very interesting way. We've had a lesson on all the German words you would use in planting a garden. How to go shopping and order food. The numbers and how to tell time, make change. Tonight we all went as a group to a wonderful nursery that she always goes to. It is in Kloppenheim which is near Bad Vilbel. They sell all kinds of flowers in pots, vegetables and herbs. Beautiful to say the least. The pictures will speak for themselves. Eat your heart out flower lovers everywhere.