Saturday, August 6, 2011

18-19 Burg Eltz & Ronneburg

The girls came in Monday night and they were exhausted from their fast trip. They were on a constant go since we saw them five days ago. They were all about sleeping at this point. It's a good thing they are still young enough to do that. It is a once in a life time memory.

The next morning we were able to take them to Burg Eltz, the fairy Tale castle and Ronneburg, the spiritual castle, as I call it. Rachel was feeling under the weather so I stayed in the car with her while she tried to rest. The surroundings couldn't be more beautiful and serene. The pasture land in front of Ronneburg castle had grazing sheep. All of them were white except for one little black one. A family stopped by us and their little boy tried to pet the sheep but they were too wild for that. One little baby however left its mother to see what the boy had in his hand. He had taken a hand full of grass and held it out for a lamb to come to him. He was very gentle and finally the baby nudged up against his leg and ate the grass. It was darling.

There are a few pictures of Burg Eltz but not too many of Ronneburg. If you want to see them go to the girl's facebook pages. Back home early as Rachel needed to be in bed. Must have been the flu. I got really sick the week after I first came to Germany. Enjoy the pictures.

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