Saturday, September 3, 2011

20 Aug 2011 Konigstein- Moritzburg



Woke up early and headed for home by way of Konigstein and Moritzburg. We had been here before because they are close to Dresden. Konigstein is a huge Fortress unlike anything you will ever see. I will let the pictures do the talking. Needless to say, Diane and Steve were awe struck. They said this was by far more exciting than anything they had seen in Europe. We hurried on to Moritzburg, a beautiful hunting lodge. We took a tour inside, but alas no photos could be taken. I have to say there were allot of beautiful portraits, tapestries and wood floors. Oh, one thing that was very unique, were the wall coverings made from the skins of different animals. They also decorated an entire bedroom out of feathers from different kinds of birds. I told you this was a hunting lodge. It was a very informative tour with lots of history and portraits of the people who resided here, mainly, August the Strong and his mistress Countess Cozel.

Last stop, the Best Western motel. Enjoyed the bed and the great breakfast with scrambled eggs & bacon which was especially made with Elder Walters in mind.

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