Saturday, June 25, 2011

06 Jun 2011 On Our Way Home-Fantastic France

We stayed all night in Torino as our Seminar did not get out until 8:30 P.M. We had an Italian dinner, looked out of our Hotel window which was on the 9th floor and watched the River Poe rushing through the landscape. Up on a hill in the distance we could see a castle, not sure which one, but it was a great view. After a good nights rest we were on our way home. We had a breakfast which included great pastries with jam, scrambled eggs with ham, museli and yogurt.

Our first stop was beautiful France, specifically the Savoie & Haute Svoie Regions in the Eastern cities of Chambery, Annecy. We saw the French Alps. Here is where the famous Ski Resorts are. The scenery is spectacular and it is a hikers delight even in the winter time. I will let the photographs do the talking.

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