Sunday, June 26, 2011

11 Jun 2011 Ronneburg and Munzenberg Fairs


Today we picked up Johnny and Jenny Anunson from the airport in Frankfurt. We have been so excited to have someone here from home, except they are actually from Arizona, they use to live in Vista. We knew they would be tired from that flight but we had to keep them awake all day so they would be able to sleep tonight. We decided to take them to two favorite places near to our home ( Ronneburg Castle & Munzenberg Castle),and what a surprise to find out they were both having a

Munzenberg Castle

Festung Fair (Renaissance Fair). Everyone was in costume except us. They really go all out here in Germany, maybe that is because they have the real deal here to play warriors in. They have the jousting and the dancing and of course the drinking. We had some really good food and we wore J & J out. Back home for a good nights sleep.

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