Saturday, July 30, 2011

03-04 Jul 2011 Our New Apartment

We heard that one of the single sisters was being released to go home and we were told that she had a great two bedroom apartment and it was available. I thought, it would be great to get out of a one bedroom which was pretty cramped but we really grew to love our little apartment, the area and the Paxton's next door so there in lies the dilemma. Do we move or not? Since we are one of the more Senior couples here we had a choice. I guess I should say that I, Sister Walters wanted to move so that when our girls came we would have a place for them to stay. We moved in sight unseen and were we delighted. It is almost next to the Friedrichsdorf Temple and it is very close to our work. It is quite roomy so now we don't have to pile everything we own on top of our clothes closets. We are grateful for the change, but we are humbled at the same time because we really don't feel deserving of such a nice place. We also changed wards since our ward meets on the Temple grounds. It is part German and part English speaking so I hope I will start speaking a little more German. When you see the pictures you will see what I mean about being roomy and what a view we have. The beautiful forest across the way and lots of green grass. We are on the 4th floor with an elevator. No more climbing stairs for me. I think the Mission took pity on us and let us move in. Everyone around seems so nice and friendly. We have two bathrooms but one is only for the toilet and one is only for the shower so it is actually one bathroom only in two different room. Odd, but we think it is unique. Enjoy the pictures.

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