Friday, July 1, 2011

23 Jun 2011- Dresden, Konigstein & Moritzburg


This was our first day of sight seeing and Dresden was a beautiful place to start with. We have been here before and were very impressed with the layout of the city. The most beautiful buildings can all be seen from the river. We walked all over Dresden and then Johnny , Jenny and Elder Walters walked across the bridge to see other impressive buildings and to take pictures from that vantage point. If you like taking photos, this is one place you will be kept busy. Everywhere you turn it is another awesome buildings. Enjoy the pictures.


The next place was a must see as Elder Walters favorite place Fustung (Fortress) Konigstein. No matter how many times you go, it is still grander than the last time. The views are spectacular. I already gave you the low down on the History of this Fustung so I will let the pictures do the explaining.

Had to bring Johnny and Jenny by Moritzburg so they could see the beautiful architecture. It was late when we got here so we were not able to take a tour but it was nice taking in the whole feeling of the place. As we were leaving we spied a cute little couple sitting together enjoying the quietness after their walk for the day. Had to take a picture of love.

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