Sunday, July 31, 2011

09-10 Jul 2011 Girls in Vienne

The beautiful town of Vienna, Austria can not be skipped in your journeys, especially since it is on the road back to Frankfurt. There were two holidays that fell within this time period we decided to spend the night in Vienna and get up early to take a tour. We loved Vienna the first time we saw it. We saw the biggest Palace ever, it was owned by the Hapsburg Family, very impressive. Of course we ate outrageously. I think we tried every sweet made in Austria. The weather was cool which is great for walking but it did drizzle a little. While waiting for an early tour bus, the girls took a few pictures in front of the Opera House. The first Opera presented here was "Don Giovanni". Of course there are always guys waiting to be of service to take your pictures so the girls had to gracefully get out of that situation.

The tour bus came and we took two hours to see this beautiful place. Hopped off of one bus and onto another. Some of the Highlights we saw were the St Charles Church which is very Gothic. The Parliament and City Hall, as well as the Burg Theatre which was made into the German National Theatre in 1776. These buildings are in the true Renaissance form. We saw the St. Michaels church that holds the State treasury collection and the Crown Jewels. The St. Charles church was built to honor St. Karl Borromaus, it is one of Vienne's most sacred Baroque buildings.

During the tour we went to the High Jet fountain with a water spout of 12 meters high. When the Liberation of Vienna by the Red Army came about, this fountain was built in 1945. The Belvedere Palace was built as a reward for overcoming the Turks in 1725. The girls had time to walk around this beautiful town and then we were off to another assignment.

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