Wednesday, May 12, 2010

April 30 20010 First day at work

First working day at work. Sister Lykins a sister missionary works in the office too. She and her companion live here in the same apartment as we do. Sis lykins is a widow whose husband passed away in 2006. She is very well educated and she has been most helpful to me and Gene. She has been teaching us how to ride the U-ban. Part of it runs underground. There are lots of places to eat but lots are on the dirty side. There is a KFC down the street from us but the sisters say it's too dirty to eat in and there is a bar in it. Sis. Lykins companion is a very large German woman who is very German. Her personality is brusk and to the point. She loves to cook and brings in German food to share on a daily basis. I'll have to take a picture of the two of them.


  1. Whatever. You know dad's gonna eat KFC at some point so tell him to bring a camera because I want to see it. That's too funny!

  2. I think we would be excommunicated if we went in there, everyone knows there is a bar in there and they say it is too dirty to eat in there.
