Wednesday, May 12, 2010

May 5, 2010 ZoCo at Frankfurt

We had a little reprieve today. Our Zone Conference for this area was held next door to us at the Stake House, so we didn't have to get up so early. It was a repeat of yesterday but we still gleaned allot of spiritual thought from it. The Pres. talked about chiasmus (big word) It is a term used in Hebrew writings or poetry. The Jews were more auditory, verbal in their communications so when they did write they were more poetic. It is every evident in Isaiah's writings. You can also see it in Matthew's but guess what? It is also found in the Book of Mormon, specifically in I & II Nephi, Mosiah and parts of Alma. You remember that Nephi said he was schooled in the way of the Jews so why wouldn't his writings be similar to what the Jews had. How could Joseph Smith have known that, if he wrote the Book of Mormon? Well he couldn't, that's one reason the book of Mormon is true. More and more evidences will be coming forward to prove that point but for right now we still need the faith. Heavenly Father wants us to learn that in our lives.

Sister Ninow spoke on the tender mercies that the Lord allows us to have. His Atonement was the most important thing he has given us. We may never know how the Lord looks out for us during our normal day activities.

This is for Rachel. At the Zone Conference, I noticed one elder that did not look like the normal elder from Utah. He had on a Beetle type suit, you know the tight shorter pegged pants, a smaller jacket and beetle boots on. Like court wears once in a while. I told Gene, I bet he is European. So I asked him where he was from and he said Holland. Well you can say one thing for Holland, they sure know their fashion. He had a very distinctive look about him. I told him I had a daughter who was getting her degree in fashion and he was impressed. I think he fancied himself as a male model of sorts. Didn't have my camera at the time or I would have taken a picture for you.

After getting home at 6:30 I went to a Sister's get together. It included all the sister missionaries. One of the sisters had a friend visit her. Her name was Sister Romney and she was from Escondido and she had just gotten back from her mission in Nauvoo. She talked to us and mentioned a couple in Escondido who went to Florida working at the church ranch. Low and behold she was referring to John and Barbara Anunson, our best friends. She said she would tell them that she saw us. It's a small world. This sister said that the Nauvoo mission is the best place to go. They need lots of couples during the summer months, it's a six month mission and then a few stay on during the winter to help in the temple for the remaining part of the year. Sounds great to me. Maybe we can do that after we recoup from this mission.


  1. Are you both finding it easy to be yourselves? Or do you feel uncomfortable trying to be a better version of yourself? I hope the former.

  2. We are definetely ourselves. The Elder's think I am crazy. As for Gene he is doing well but it has been a culture shock for him. No mayonaise on the sandwiches, no pepsi, no car, no tv, nothing to read, no telephone and no internet. Crazy time for us all.
