Monday, May 31, 2010

Mai 28, 2-10 District Meeting and more

It was a trick to bring 2 bags of cooked spaghetti on the U-bahn but we managed. I brought the hugest bunch of food you are saw and it was a good thing because these Elders have the bottomless pits. They ate it all. It was near the end of the month and you know they have no money, so I took pity on them.

Now for our District Meeting. First of all I did not remember that I had the Thame (thought or talk) so I looked through "Preach My Gospel", nothing rang a bell, and then the thought came to me, "Talk to them about Journal writing". I told them how important their journals are and would be to their children some day. They are important for so many reasons. First, they are a record for others to read. Second, a remembrance for ourselves. Third, A way to externalize our feelings so we can get them out and move on. Even psychiatrists say if something is bothering you, write it down, you don't have to give it to anyone. Just by doing that you can sometimes give all those problems to the Lord. Ask him to help you, that is why he died for us, so we can be at peace with ourselves.

I told them about a blog I had visited a few days before. It was the day to day life of a young lady in Utah who was in a terrible accident and the only part of her face and neck you could recognize were the two sockets where her eyes were. The scare tissue was covering her whole face. She started the blog so that she could externalize what she had to go through during her daily life. She has a husband and a family that she has raised all during the time she went through so many operations to repair the damage. I told them today she looks normal but she can look back on her experience and see how the Lord has really blessed her. If she didn't have her journals she may not have come through it so beautifully. Well I hope they got the point.

After we ate, Elder Walters and I left early to go to the Frankfurt Temple. The Temple grounds were beautiful. I loved the flowers, the pansies and the lilacs. The dressing rooms, however, were so small that I could hardly get my temple dress on. To my surprise the whole session was in English and I was hoping to hear it in German. Oh well, maybe next time.

After the session we went with the Missionary couples to eat at the Stadt Berlin. We had steak and fried potatoes with a salad. It was delicious. Can't wait to go back there again. Home at 10:00, exhausted but happy.

1 comment:

  1. You can fall over in the dressing rooms just don't pee in them :)I'm always too tall so when I undress I can see everybody and everybody can see me. AWKWARD!
