Wednesday, May 12, 2010

May 7, 2010 Work and shopping

Work all day as usual. Office meetings with Pres and sister Ninow. She goes everywhere with him. They are a beautiful couple in every way. They are so young, probably in their 40's. He told us one day the Lord told him, get your affairs in order, pay off your debts and serve the Lord. They now have 4 children. One is in the MTC going to Ohio on his mission, one is in college and then she has a 16 year old and an 11 year old. Can you imagine just selling your house and depending on the Lord to take care of you? Anyway they went to the Presidency and told them, I'm ready, send me wherever you need me. He has been a Bishop and a member of the Stake Presidency so they were spiritually ready. They have one year left before they go home, knowing them they will probably be called on another mission some where.

The main topic of concern in the Mission is the transition for changing the Mission area boundaries. We are now going to be getting Nürmburg. It is right up against the Czeck border. They say it is closer to Austria and it al lot more beautiful, more mountains not so flat. They say Munich is awesome but that is not in our area, when Mazzy comes we will get permission to go there.

On our way home from work I took a lot of pictures of the old buildings that are on our way to the office. I love them with their ornate iron work and flower boxes. On every street their are lilacs, mostly lavender. We found 2 cute restaurants that just went in by our office. I guess we know where to go to lunch. Gene had to work late so Sister Lykins and I went shopping at Konstablerwaca. That is the main part of Frankfurt with a big Plaza in the center with trees and flowers and restaurants. We ate at a really good (sehr gut_) Deutsche restaurant. Outside big groups of men were eating and talking. In Germany, eating is not something you do quickly and leave. American restaurants want you in the out but in Germany you can stay as long as you want to. They never bring the check to you, if you want to go you tell them.

We heard gypsy music and so we went to see what was happening. There was an old man playing the accordian and and old women playing the tamborine. Guess what else, an American dressed in a big pink bunny outfit (like the one in A Xmas story) dancing around holding a hat to put money in. What a kick. I took a picture of that. Sister Lykins said there is a cute little yarn shop where an old lady spins her own yarn and sells it. I think I'll get some yarn for Kim. You better start knitting again.

As I was going into the elevator at our apartment I met a very old (young spirit) silver haired lady. She just wanted to talk. She spoke very little English and I very little German but their was a kindred spirit there. She wanted to know if I was a teacher (she saw my name badge) and I told her I was a teacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She gave me an approving smile. I was at at loss as to what to say but I told her I would talk to her longer when we met again. I think I passed up a great opportunity. I hope the Lord will give me that time back so I can give her a Book of Mormon. I didn't have one at the time. I still remember your story Rachel about being inspired to take that huge set of scriptures in Aramaic with you and the Lord sent you someone that wanted it. Amazing. I wish I felt more comfortable speaking German to people. I was scared. I know when I see her again I will be more open and let the spirit help me.

Off to bed 8:00 so tired.


  1. Someone's going to have to break the news to Josh that this guy is living Josh's dream, walking the streets in a pink bunny suit.

  2. So Nurnberg is going to be in your mission? That is a beautiful city. I stayed there for a week once for a business trip. They have an "old" part of the city that is within the castle walls. They also have a great open air market, especially during Christmas. Nurnburg is where all the good Gingerbread (Lebkuchen) cookies and cakes comes from.

  3. Rachel, just read your comments didn't know I could also comment but now I am going back to check them all. You are right, Josh would love it here. People like that sort of stuff.

    Richard: Love your comments about Germany. I love Gingerbread so will look for that. I am excited about Nurnberg. It is so much closer to Austria and that is where it really gets beautiful.
