Wednesday, May 12, 2010

May 4, 2010 ZoCo in Kaeiserslautern

On our way to Kaiserslautern

What a day we had today. We drove with two of the Elders to Zone Conference which is about 2 hours away in a town called Kaiserslautern is south of Frankfurt. It was nice to get out of the city and see some of the open country. We saw small villages here and they are called Dorf's. Each Dorf has its own little church with a tall steeple roof. All the houses are white concrete with red tile roofs. There are fields and fields of yellow flax. So beautiful. I am taking a picture of it but it is so rainy that it will not do the scene justice. their are vineyards everywhere. This country is very flat so you can see forever. We crossed the Rhine and the Mein River which is pretty wide.

Our conference was a lot of work but we got everything done on time. I took a few pictures to include. The two Missionaries are the ones training us. Elder Davies and Elder Tippetts. President and Sister Ninow gave wonderful talks and we had workshops on getting the members to help us get referrals. I just had to tell them how successful our Stake Mission program has been. How the members feed the Elder's every night for 1 hour and then send them out to do the Lord;s work. I told them that the members were more inclined to give the Elder's names if they know the Elder's. The Pres came to me after wards and said they had a problem with some of the members thinking if they fed the missionaries they had done their duty. I said that's too bad. It really works in our Stake. He said there was one member who wanted to feed the Missionaries every night but she insisted they stay 2-3 hours each time. So that had to stop. I guess my suggestion was a little after the fact.

Our Conference was 8 hours long and I was ready to hit the sack when we got home at 9:00.


  1. There is always going to be someone that wants the missionaries to stay 2-3 hours but it's the job of the missionaries to say, "We can only stay and hour, or we have another appointment waiting etc." Why does the whole mission have to suffer because of one lonely person? Oh well. Hopefully the missionaries will just follow the spirit.

  2. What?!? You were in K-town. I lived just down the Autobahn in both Ramstein and Landstuhl. I played football against K-town. It's a big Army Post, as well as Landstuhl. My step dad worked at Kimborough Hospital on the Landstuhl army post. When we first moved to Germany (1972), we lived in the town of Ramstein and I went to school there. Sounds like you are really having a great time...


  3. Rachel, They do things allot different here. They had to quit because some of the women were hoping set up their daughters with an Elders. That's a no no you know.

    Ricchard: The next tiime we are in K-Town we will go and take some pictures, I can#t imagine things changing that much since 72. I'm sure you have great memories of Germany.
